Download book Warman&#39s: Coins and Paper Money : Identification and Price Guide by Arlyn G. Sieber FB2, DOC, PDF


Interest in coin collecting and paper money is at an all-time high, thanks in part to the new designs of modern U.S. coins and currency, the increasing market value of precious metals, and the great investment coin collecting has been in recent years. Recent reports estimate that there are over 1 million serious coin collectors in the U.S. And the U.S. Mint estimates that nearly 150 million people have collected the 50 State Quarters.The bestselling "Warman's Coins & Paper Money," now in its 5th edition, is the most comprehensive, colorful, informative, and thorough identification and price guide of its kind. It covers everything from the evolution of U.S. coins and currency to the latest in minted coinage. Big, bold and informative, this invaluable tool is a must-have for collectors of all levels, whether they are children or adults, novice or experienced veterans. But this book doesn't stop at U.S. coins and currency. It also features a panoramic and full-color view of coins and currency from Canada, Mexico, and Europe. About the AuthorA veteran numismatist by trade and passion, Arlyn G. Sieber is a freelance writer and editor. A former editor of Numismatic News and Coin Prices magazine, Sieber was a 25-year employee for Krause Publications. His previous numismatic book credits as a writer, editor or contributor include the first two editions of "North American Coins & Prices," "Warman's Companion World Coins & Currency," 2nd Edition, "Warman's World Coins Field Guide, Instant Coin Collector," and "Gold Rush." Sieber has also contributed to The Numismatist, the ANA's official journal. Sieber is a 25-year member of the ANA and the Central States Numismatic Society.

Warman&#39s: Coins and Paper Money : Identification and Price Guide by Arlyn G. Sieber read online ebook FB2, TXT, DOC

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