GED Social Studies ebook FB2, TXT


REA '� Real review, Real practice, Real results. Pass the GED and get on the road to success! 90% percent of colleges and universities recognize the GED high school diploma, and employers base hiring and salary for GED graduates the same as high school graduates. -- U.S. Dept. of Education GED SOCIAL STUDIES ' w ith TEST ware Includes easy CD software with timed practice tests & instant scoring Are you prepared to pass the GED Social Studies exam? * Follow REA's advice on self-assessment and planning * Take the diagnostic practice test to discover what you know and what you should know * Use REA's results-driven system for effective study and review Practice for real * Create the closest experience to test-day conditions with 4 PRACTICE TESTS : A Pre-Test and Post-Test in the book, plus 2 more full-length practice tests on REA's TESTware CD, featuring timed test-taking, instant scoring, mark-and-return function, and more. * Test at your own pace, on CD or on paper * Chart your progress with full and detailed explanations of all answers * Boost your confidence with test-taking strategies and experienced advice Sharpen up your skills * The book's full subject review features coverage of all areas on the official exam, including interpreting graphs, maps and charts; distinguishing fact from opinion; political cartoons, and more. * Smart and friendly lessons reinforce necessary skillst-size: 10.0pt; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial"* Key tutorials enhance specific abilities needed on the test * Targeted drills increase comprehension * Complete with Glossary of Symbols, Terms, and Formulas Ideal for Home Study and Solo Test Preparation! REA has always been a trusted resource for the hundreds of thousands of people who seek to improve their potential by succeeding on the GED and earning their High School Equivalency Certificate. REA study guides are recommended by educators and written by experts who have mastered the subjects and the tests., REA ... Real review, Real practice, Real results. Pass the GED and get on the road to success! 90% percent of colleges and universities recognize the GED high school diploma, and employers base hiring and salary for GED graduates the same as high school graduates. -- U.S. Dept. of Education GED SOCIAL STUDIES with TESTware Includes easy CD software with timed practice tests & instant scoring Are you prepared to pass the GED Social Studies exam? * Follow REA's advice on self-assessment and planning * Take the diagnostic practice test to discover what you know and what you shouldknow * Use REA's results-driven system for effective study and review Practice for real * Create the closest experience to test-day conditions with4 PRACTICE TESTS: A Pre-Test and Post-Test in the book, plus 2 more full-length practice tests on REA's TESTware CD, featuring timed test-taking, instant scoring, mark-and-return function, and more. * Test at your own pace, on CD or on paper * Chart your progress with full and detailed explanations of all answers * Boost your confidence with test-taking strategies and experienced advice Sharpen up your skills * The book's full subject review features coverage of all areas on the official exam, including interpreting graphs, maps and charts; distinguishing fact from opinion; political cartoons, and more. * Smart and friendly lessons reinforce necessary skillst-size: 10.0pt; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial"* Key tutorials enhance specific abilities needed on the test * Targeted drills increase comprehension * Complete with Glossary of Symbols, Terms, and Formulas Ideal for Home Study and Solo Test Preparation! REA has always been a trusted resource for the hundreds of thousands of people who seek to improve their potential by succeeding on the GED and earning their High School Equivalency Certificate. REA study guides are recommended by educators and written by experts who have mastered the subjects and the tests.

Read GED Social Studies by Lynn Elizabeth Marlowe in MOBI, FB2

The CD-ROM presents two additional practice exams in the computer-based format, thus closely imitating actual test-taking conditions.Drills for all GED Mathematical Reasoning question types and test topics * Clear, step-by-step explanations for all questions * Extra help to hone the Mathematical Reasoning skills learned in Cracking the GED Test or other math classes Everything You Need to Know to Help Achieve a High Score.Kaplan AP World History 2015 is the must-have preparation tool for every student looking to do better on the AP World History test!Achieve ACT excellence with the ACT 2015 Prep Package from Kaplan Test Prep.You'll sharpen your skills, boost your confidence, reduce your stress, and do your very best on test day.Future law school students know that the LSAT is the most important factor in the law school admissions process.To prepare properly for the LSAT, you must study problems that reflect the true LSAT format.It offers: Step-by-step chapter labs to help you practice what you've just learned Pre-exam theoretical exam to help you decide if you're ready for the real exam Four realistic sample exams (2 RHCE, 2 RHCSA) delivered through Pearson's state-of-the-art PCPT test engine Pre-chapter "Do I Know This Already" (DIKTA) quizzes to assess your knowledge of each chapter's content, so you can decide how much time to spend on each section Foundation Topics sections thoroughly explaining concepts and theory, and linking them to real-world configurations and commands Key Topics icons flagging every figure, table, or list you absolutely must understand and remember End of chapter Glossary terms Chapter-ending Exam Preparation sections delivering even more exercises and troubleshooting scenarios Note: This guide is an ideal printed complement for those studying with our brand-new RHCSA Complete Video Course or RHCE Complete Video Course .REA's PRAXIS II Middle School Mathematics (0069)Test Prep Gets You Certified and in the Classroom!Government and Politics exam The wildly popular test prep guide-- updated and enhanced for today's digital learners--AP U.S.Now in its 16th edition, Gruber's Complete SAT Guide has proven the effectiveness of structured SAT preparation by raising thousands of students'SAT scores.And a recipe for energy-boosting Sweet & Tasty 800 Bars.An optional book with CD-ROM presents two more model AP exams with answers, explanations, automatic scoring for multiple-choice questions, and a scoring chart.